Tourism and Travel Management

Faculty of Administration and International Economics  »  Academics  »  Tourism and Travel Management

Course detailed syllabus is standardized via the TTM curriculum

01 - 102002 Physical Education 1

02_126063_Introductory Practice

03-102063-Marxist-Leninist philosophy

04-102064-Marxist-Leninist Political Economy

05_102065_Scientific Socialism

06_100002. Basic Marketing

07_126064_Introduction to Tourism

08_102091_English 1

09 - 102003 Physical Education 2

10_126065_Introduction to VietNam Culture

11_125012_Research Methodology

12_126066_Marketing in Tourism

13_102014 General Informatics

14_126067_Sustainable Tourism

15_100003_Fundamentals Management

16_102092_English 2

17 - 102004 Physical Education 3

18 - 126068 – Tourism Psychology and Diplomatic Reception

19_126058_Geographic of Tourism

20_125069 _Applied Informatics in Travel

21_126070_Cuisine Culture

22_102093_English 3

23 _ 126037_ Multicultural Management

24_126011 _History of World Civilization

25_126071_Communication Skills

26_102006_General Legal

27_126072_Destinations Guide

28 _126073_ Field trip for specialization 1

29_126008_Tourism Economics

30_126012_The tourism Law

31-102033-Ho Chi Minh ideology

32_102094_English 4

33_126074_Customer Service

34-Human resource management

35_125022_Risk Management

36_102066_The History of the Vietnamese Communist Party

37_126044_Tour design and operation

38_126039_Hotel Operations Management

39_126041_Travel Business Management

40_126076_ Restaurant and Hotel Operations

41_102094_English 5

42_126077_International Tourism

43_126032_ Game skills and first aid

44_126036_Sales Management in tourism

45_126078_English for Tourism

46_126079_Tourism Guideline


48_126040_Restaurant Operations Management

49_126080_Field Trip for Specialization 2

50_126081_Itineraries and Destinations

51_126042_Event and Festival Management

52_126082_The Skills of Public Speaking

53_22222_Graduate Internship Report




  • Address: 10 Huynh Van Nghe street, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
  • Tel: 0251 3952 778
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