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Bài báo Khoa học Quốc tế năm 2018

01. Tên bài báo: Critical success factors affecting the success of the retail supply chain: Case study in Vietnam

- Tác giả: Đỗ Hữu Tài và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: International journal of business, social and scientific research; Vol5, issue 3, pp.81-84; ISSN: 2309-7892 (online); Accepted date: 29/5/2017; Published date: 30/5/2017

- ABSTRACT: The study of the critical success factors affecting the supply cham is concerned by many scientists today. This study conducted m Ho Chi Minh City with 201 samples at retail busimesses and used Bmary Logistc regression to analyze the resultsduring the period of August to October 2016. Through a review of the literature, 15 factors were found to be criticalto the success of the retail supply chain and the results showecd that eipht factors (Inventory, Manufacturmng. Location, Transportation, Information, Strategtc Supply Chain, Collaborative and Top Management Support) impactcd the success of Vietnam retail supply chain. An assessment of the importance of factors was also made to give an overview of the current situation in Vietnam.

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

02. Tên bài báo: Problems of minimum size to cluster metagenomic data

- Tác giả: Văn Đình Vỹ và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: Kỷ yếu Hội nghị quốc gia lần thứ X về Nghiên cứu cơ bản và ứng dụng Công nghệ thông tin (FAIR '10); ISBN 978-604-913-614-6

- ABSTRACT: The paper review methods to binning metagenomic, such as: use k-mer to find the features, use k-mer to create a document to find hidden models, then groups sequence base on this models. To increase performance, mostly reduce the size of original data, binning directly from representation sequences. There are problems when reducing the size and only find feature to grouping from seed sequences. This paper presents an idea, using minimum vertex vertices or k-mer sets to solve the problems.

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03. Tên bài báo: Determining the effective method for one-sun-dried squid drying

- Tác giả: Phạm Văn Toản  và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: The international conference on agricultural and bio-system engineering ICABE 2017 (ISSN: 1859-1523)

- ABSTRACT: The research aimed to determine the effect of different drying methods including heat pump drying, hot air drying, combined infared and heat pump drying, and combined infrared and hot air drying on the quality of one-sun-dried squid. With each method, squids are dried at three temperature degree of 40, 45 and 50°C. The quality of the product is assessed by protein content, organoleptic quality and drying rate. The research results showed that combined infrared and heat pump drying at temperature of 45°C is the most appropriate method of drying one-sun-dried squid. After drying, the protein content reaches 22/100 gram-squid; drying time is 180 minutes, the average drying rate is 3.33 %H2O/h and the squids color is best retained.

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

04. Tên bài báo: Self-Evolvin function-link interval type-2 Fuzzy neural network for nonlinear system identification and control

- Tác giả: Lê Tiến Lộc và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: Neuralcomputing; ISSN: 0925-2312; Volume 275, pp. 2239-2250

- ABSTRACT: Determining a network size for a fuzzy neural network structure is very important, and it is often difficult to obtain the most suitable value. This study develops a self-evolving function-link interval type-2 fuzzy neural network (SEFT2FNN) that autonomously constructs the rule base with the initial empty and the membership functions. The function-link is applied to an interval type-2 fuzzy neural network to give a more accurate approximation of the function. The adaptive laws for the proposed system are derived using the steepest descent gradient approach. The stability of system was guaranteed using Lyapunov function approach. Finally, the performance of the proposed system is verified using the numerical simulations of the nonlinear system identification and the control of time-varying plants.

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

05. Tên bài báo: Coverage optimization of LTE networks based on antenna tilt adjusting considering network load

- Tác giả: Phan Như Quân và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: China Communications Volume: 14, Issue: 5, May 2017 ); ISSN 1673-5447; pp. 48-58 (Communication theories and systems)

- ABSTRACT: In this paper, we investigate the coverage optimization for LTE networks considering the network load. The network coverage is defined as the number of served users of evolved Node B (eNB) which is de-termined by eNBs’ antenna tilt angles (ATA). The coverage is optimized by optimizing the number of served users based on the Modifed Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO) algo-rithm. Simulation results show that both the number of served users by each eNB and the system throughput are signifcantly increased. As well, the average load and the bandwidth effciency of the network are improved.

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

06. Tên bài báo: Effect of different nitrogen sources on Pleurotus citrinopileutus spawn spread and fruit body formation

- Tác giả: Mai Hương Trà và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: Journal of international academic research for multidisciplinary; ISSN:2320-5083, Vol5. Issue 8; September 2017

- ABSTRACT: Pleurotus citrinopileatus, the golden oyster mushroom was cultured in different substrates such as: sawdust, bagasse, rice straw. The results showed that the spawn grows fastest in sawdust (0.78cm/day). Besides, the cultivation of golden oyster mushroom in sawdust supplemented with organic protein as rice bran, corn bran or inorganic nitrogen as urea, diammoni phosphate showed that supplementing 4% of corn bran or 3‰diammoni phosphate is most appropriate. Conditions for growing mushrooms are 22-30oC, humidity 70-90%.

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07. Tên bài báo: Study of antibacterial properties of Japanese mint (Mentha arvensis L.) essential oil on the beginning of shower gel production

- Tác giả:  Hồ Dũng Mạnh và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: Asian acadenuc researcg journal of social science and humanities; ISSN: 2278-859X; Vol 4, issue 12, December 2017

- ABSTRACT: This study aims to exploit the antimicrobial potential of Japanese mint oil (Mentha arvensis L.) to apply for the beginning of shower gel production. The strain used was Staphylococcus aureus that commonly causes skin infections in humans. Shower gel formulation used Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) and Cocamidopropyl betaine (CAPB) as surfactants, the concentration of Japanese mint oil in shower gel formulation was identified through the determination of Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), Minimal Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) and Time-kill assay. Antibacterial activity of Japanese mint shower gel was determined by Agar well diffusion method. The results indicated that Japanese mint oil inhibited S.areus at 1.25 mg/ml (MIC), the MBC value was 10mg/ml that killed 99.9% of S.aureus in less than 30 minutes of interaction. Shower gel formulation contained 1%w/v Japanese mint oil has the diameter of inhibition zone was 35 mm. This study showed that shower gel contained Japanese mint essential oils had antibacterial activities superior to conventional shower gel.

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

08. Tên bài báo: A relationship in adrenal androgen levels between mothers and their children from a dioxin-exposed region in Vietnam

- Tác giả: Hồ Dũng Mạnh và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: Sci Total Environ. 2017 Dec 31;607-608:32-41; ISSN: 0048-9697. Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.06.264. Epub 2017 Jul 4

- ABSTRACT: Over the past decades, southern Vietnam has been burdened by dioxins from contaminated herbicides sprayed during the VietnamWar. In a previous study,we found that dioxin exposure decreased levels of salivary dehydro- epiandrosterone (DHEA), an adrenal androgen, in 3-year-old children. In present study, to assess the relationship between adrenal hormones disruption in lactating mothers and in children, we compared mother-child pairs from dioxin- and nondioxin-contaminated regions. In 2010 and 2011, mother-child pairs from a dioxin hotspot region (n = 37) and a non-contaminated region (n = 47) were recruited and donated breast milk and serum samples for dioxin and steroid hormones determination. Mothers were 20–30 years old and had given birth to their first child between 4 and 16 weeks previously. One year later, saliva samples were collected from the children. Dioxin levels in breast milk were determined by gas chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry. Salivary DHEA, cortisol in children and androstenedione (A-dione), estradiol, cortisol, and DHEA in maternal serumwere analyzed by liquid chromatography/tandemmass spectrometry. Concentrations of dioxin congeners in the hotspot regionwere 2- to 5-fold higher than in samples fromthe non-contaminated region. Salivary DHEA levels in children and serumA-dione levels inmothers were significantly higher in the hotspot region; no difference was found in the levels of other hormones. Moreover, there was a significant positive correlation between the elevated hormone levels in mothers and children (r= 0.62, p b 0.001). Several dioxin congeners exhibited strong significant dose-response relationships with salivary DHEA and serum A-dione levels. Our findings suggest that dioxin disrupts adrenal androgens inmothers and breastfeeding children through the samemechanism.

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

09. Tên bài báo: JSME Molecular Editor: A Tool for creating Interactive Web-based Organic Chemistry Exercises

- Tác giả: Hồ Dũng Mạnh và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: World Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 5(5), 164-167. DOI: 10.12691/wjce-5-5-4; ISSN (Online): 2375-1657

- ABSTRACT: There has been an impressive growth of open online course in recent years. However, the number of free organic chemistry courses  is limited. To create an organic chemistry course online, we need a tool that can draw chemical structure and can be embedded into the web. We found that JSME Molecular Editor was a free and  easy-to-use computer program for creating chemistry online course. We have developed interactive web-based organic nomenclature exercises by integrating JSME Molecular Editor into the website http://www.ihoahoc.com/nomenclature/Enomenclature.html. The three types of exercise were created: (i)  students are  given  structure of an organic compound, then they  have to identify a specific functional group inside this structure (ii) students are given the IUPAC name of an organic compound, then they have to draw structure of this compound (iii) students are given structures of an organic compound, then they have to write the IUPAC name of this compound. These exercises have been used for first year students at Faculty of Pharmacy, Lac Hong university, Vietnam.

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

10. Tên bài báo: Evaluation Effect of Stirring Mode on Synthesize Hydroxyapatite Crystallite Used as Bone Substitute

- Tác giả: Phạm Thị Lan Thanh và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: 6th International Conference on the Development of Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam (BME6). Springer Nature, Volume 63, Chapter 57, ISBN: 978-981-10-4360-4.

- ABSTRACT: This research introduces the novel method to synthesis hydroxyapatite by precipitation method, and the effect of Reynold number  (RN) on  crystallite  size  (CS) of  synthesized hydroxyapatite  (HA).  In  addition, we  also introduce  the RN-CS diagram  in which can be used  in pilot  scale. The data  shown  that when RN > 40,000 corresponding to 600 rpm we can obtain nano structure HA (CS < 100 nm). The RN-CS chart can be used to predict the size of HA when repeat the synthesis experiment at pilot scale.

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11. Tên bài báo: Intuitive dispatching method to handle the 450mm wafer and prioritize jobs in a conveyor of semiconductor industry

- Tác giả: Trần Thanh Tuyền và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: International journal of advanced and applied sciences, 5(2)2018, pages: 44-55; ISSN: 2313-626X

- ABSTRACT: An  effective  material  handling  system  can  help  factories  meet the transportation demands for new wafer size since the size increases from 300 mm  to  450  mm.  With  advantages proved,  conveyor-based  automated materials handling system (AMHS) is chosen as the next generation transport system. However,  this  transport  system also  faces with the problems about traffic  jams  when  having  so  much  lot  in  loop  and  loading  or unloading procedures. Besides,  a  higher  priority  lots  should  enjoy  greater transportation privileges  than  those with a lower  priority.  Thus,  one  good dispatching  rule  is  very  helpful for  an  AMHS.  This  research proposes restructuring loop configurations for conveyor-based AMHS and develops an effective dispatching  rule,  named  rota-caster  in  heuristic preemptive dispatching method (R-HPD). Simulation results demonstrate that the R-HDP can provide better performances than the best existed method (DPD). The R-HPD rule reduces the average delivery time by 49.4% for hot lots and 50.5% for  normal  lots.  Moreover,  the  average delivery  time  of  normal  lot  is not affected so much when bay loading and hot lot ratio increase. 

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12. Tên bài báo: A strategic alliance study by performance evaluation and forecasting techniques: A case in the petroleum industry

- Tác giả: Trần Thanh Tuyền và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: International journal of advanced and applied sciences, 5(2)2018, pages: 136-147; ISSN: 2313-626X

- ABSTRACT: Petroleum  is  vital  to  many  industries,  and  is  of  importance  to  the maintenance of  industrial civilization  in  its current configuration. Moreover, the current trend in the World is to form strategic alliance to strengthen the business  which  is  still  considering  due  to  uncountable heuristic  reasons behind. Thus, this study seems to be a new method and point of view to form strategic  alliance. We  selected  the  companies  can  present  for  this  industry according  to Forbes. They  also play  important  roles  in  the  energy  industry and global economic. Hence, the selection of these 15 candidates is qualified. We use the data approved and published recently belonging to the petroleum companies,  then  we  analyzed  the  sequences  of  data  and proposed  one  of advanced methods  in  evaluation:  DEA  –  data  development  analysis.  After 
that, we employed the forecasting technique: grey system theory. We set up one  targeted Company  to  form  alliance  and  final  results  can  fulfill  all requirements in their performance both in present and in the future. 

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13. Tên bài báo: The Industry 4.0 Factor Affecting The Service Quality of Commercial Banks in Dongnai Province

- Tác giả: Phan Thành Tâm và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: European Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance Research (Page 81-91); vol5. issue 9, pp.81-91

- ABSTRACT: Vietnam  has  favorable  conditions  for  access  to  join  the  4.0  industrial  revolution  (Industry 4.0). Vietnam has a young population  structure, most of  them  live  in rural areas but the level of education and access to new technology services by Vietnamese people is quite high compared to other countries in the world. The percentage of people using mobile phones is also high, with more than one mobile subscriber per capita. In that context, the banking service quality sector in general as well as the payment sector in particular has witnessed the strong impact from Industry 4.0, together with the introduction of a number of new technology applications. In the field of finance - banking (Fintech); Commercial banks have brought many opportunities and challenges for the banking industry, including payment operations  in  Vietnam. The  study  results  showed  that  there  were  200  staffs  related  to commercial banks who interviewed and answered about 9 questions. Data collected  from July 2016 to July 2017 for the staffs of commercial banks in Dong Nai province. The paper had been analyzed KMO test, Cronbach's Alpha and the result of KMO analysis which used for  multiple  regression  analysis. Bank  staffs’  responses  measured  through  an  adapted questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale (Conventions: 1: Completely disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Normal; 4: Agree; 5: completely agree). Hard copy and online questionnaire distributed among 50.000 the staffs of commercial banks in Vietnam. In addition, the exploratory factor analysis  (EFA)  results  showed  that  there  were  two factors,  which  included  of  factors following: Industry 4.0 human resources (X1) and Industry 4.0 network security (X2) with significance level 5 percent. In addition, all of two components affecting the service quality of commercial banks with significance level 5 percent. The research results processed from SPSS 20.0 software.

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14. Tên bài báo: Analysis of Correlation between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Business Performance Management (BPM) Of the Commercial Banks in Dong Nai Province

- Tác giả: Lê Thu Thủy và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: European Journal of Business and Innovation Research; Vol.5, No.2, pp.27-38, April 2017; ISSN 2053-4027

- ABSTRACT: The research objective is to find the Pearson's correlation coefficient. Correlation is a technique for investigating the relationship between two quantitative, continuous variables. In addition, the Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) is a measure of the strength of the association between the two variables, especially; the correlation is significant between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Business Performance Management of the commercial banks in Dong Nai province. The study results showed that there were 200 staffs of commercial banks in Dong Nai province who interviewed and answered about 10 questions but 168 staffs processed. Data collected from December 2016 to March 2017 for commercial banks in Dong Nai province. There are the Cronbach's Alpha test and the result of KMO analysis which used for correlation analysis. Staffs’ responses measured through an adapted questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale. Hard copy and online questionnaire distributed among 1.000 staffs of commercial banks in Dong Nai province. In addition, the correlation is significant at the 0.05 level between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Business Performance Management of the commercial banks in Dong Nai province. The research results processed from SPSS 20.0 software.

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

15. Tên bài báo: Determinannts affecting the business success of the private hospital: A case of ITO Sai Gon- Dong Nai

- Tác giả: Lê Thu Thủy và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: Journal of Business Management and Economics 5: 07 July (2017); ISSN: 2053-4027; pp.1-9

- ABSTRACT: Vietnam now has more than 170 private hospitals, with the right development direction, gradually meeting the needs of patients. The efforts of the non-public health sector are contributing to limiting the "bleeding foreign currency" according to people going abroad for medical treatment. The right development strategy helps private hospitals succeed to attract patients; private hospitals are constantly exploring the needs of the community, responding from the attitudes of care, to the service style, especially to professional qualifications and ability to treat complex pathologies. The long-term strategy of most private hospitals is to go in the direction of intensive development. The study results showed that there were 550 patients who interviewed and answered about 27 questions. Data collected from December2016 to April 2017. This study had been analyzed Cronbach's Alpha, KMO testing and the result of KMO testing used for the next research of the regression. Patients’ responses measured through an adapted questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale (Conventions: 1: Completely disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Normal; 4: Agree; 5: completely agree). Hard copy and online questionnaire distributed among 40.000 patients. I addition,seven components affecting the business success of ITO the private hospital with significance level 5 percent and then the researcher has policies improving the business success of the private hospital in the future.

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

16. Tên bài báo: Recommendations developing the sustainable food value chain of the agriculture sector in Dong Nai province

- Tác giả: Nguyễn Văn Tân và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability; Vol.5, No.4, pp.69-84, July 2017; ISSN: 2053-2202

- ABSTRACT: Vietnam's economy is increasingly integrated into the international economy. The key economic sectors in which agriculture is assessed will have many favorable opportunities for development. However, in order not to fall behind, the agricultural sector must rapidly develop the value chain. Moreover, the "4 houses" link in modern agricultural production is claimed to be the best one at present. The most important issue: what farmers produce, where to sell, how the price is the only satisfactory answer when there is clarification of roles and responsibilities of each house in the linkage. The role of "role play" is also intended to promote the overall strength of the link. There are 4 main factors: Government (State), Scientist, Enterprises and Farmer are the four main factors of linkages in agricultural production. In particular, the State is "the leader", the engine of the link. Enterprises play the important role to link the remaining "4 houses" to form the raw material production area; Input support and product procurement for farmers; step by step to build brand name of agricultural products. The study results showed that there were 400 persons who include: 200 managers of enterprises, 170 farmers, 30 experts related to agricultural sector in Dong Nai province who interviewed and answered about 17 questions. The Data collected from June 2016 to April 2017. This study had been analyzed Cronbach's Alpha testing, KMO testing and the result of KMO testing used for the multiple regression. Persons’ responses measured through an adapted questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale. The Data processed by SPSS 20.0. In addition, four components affecting the sustainable food value chain development with significance level 5 percent and then the researchers have recommendations developing the sustainable food value chain of the agricultural sector in Dong Nai province.

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

17. Tên bài báo: Reliability analysis of determinants affecitng lecturers' job satisfaction at the private universities in Vietnam

- Tác giả: Phan Thành Tâm.

- Tên tạp chí: Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.5, No.4, pp.11-25, May 2017; ISSN: 2052-6369

- ABSTRACT: The private university education system plays a particularly important role in determining the country's socio-economic development in the context of the knowledge economy and globalization. Despite many achievements, providing millions of qualified personnel as the core serving the cause of national renewal, our current education also reveals many shortcomings. Training quality generally does not meet the increasing requirements of the cause of industrialization, modernization and international integration. Besides, Vietnam education system now has 60 the private universities (non-public universities), accounting for 25% of universities (235 universities) and has more than 20 years of development. The private universities have the number of student’s accounts for 13.6% of the total number of students (232.367 students). The study results showed that there were 600 lecturers of the private universities who interviewed and answered about 27 questions. The Data collected from December 2015 to April 2017. This study had been analyzed Cronbach's Alpha testing used for the next research. Lecturers’ responses measured through an adapted questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale (Conventions: 1: Completely disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Normal; 4: Agree; 5: completely agree). Hard copy and online questionnaire distributed among 20.500 lecturers of the private universities. The Data processed by SPSS 20.0.

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18. Tên bài báo: Determinants affecitng lecturers' job satisfaction at the private universities in Vietnam

- Tác giả: Phan Thành Tâm.

- Tên tạp chí: Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.5, No.4, pp.1-16, May 2017; ISSN: 2052-6369

- ABSTRACT: Vietnam education system now has 60 the private universities (non-public universities), accounting for 25% of universities (235 universities) and has more than 20 years of development. The private universities have the number of student’s accounts for 13.6% of the total number of students (232.367 students). In 2015, the private universities have paid the tax nearly 111 billion of VND for the country development; this proves that despite many problems, non-public universities have made active contributions to the Vietnamese education system. Besides, the study results showed that there were 600 lecturers of the private universities who interviewed and answered about 27 questions. The Data collected from December 2015 to April 2017. This study had been analyzed Cronbach's Alpha, KMO testing and the result of KMO testing used for the next research of the regression. Lecturers’ responses measured through an adapted questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale (Conventions: 1: Completely disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Normal; 4: Agree; 5: completely agree). Hard copy and online questionnaire distributed among 20.500 lecturers of the private universities. In addition, seven components affecting the affecting the lecturers’ job satisfaction at the private universities in Vietnam with significance level 5 percent and then the researchers have policies improving the lecturers’ job satisfaction of the private universities in the future.

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

19. Tên bài báo: Factors influencing online marketing development of smaill and medium enterprises in Dong Nai province

- Tác giả: Nguyễn Văn Dũng và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: British Journal of Marketing Studies Vol.5, No.7, pp. 42-50, August 2017; ISSN 2053-4051

- ABSTRACT: Nowadays, the Internet is covering almost every corner of the places in Vietnam and it makes the transmission of information much faster. In The number of internet users is up to 80% and over 70% of internet users go to the net for information. With so much search content, the content is there, it's really great. Besides, online marketing is a way to advertise the products and services that will save enterprises a lot of money compared to traditional marketing. Online marketing campaigns can be easily measured and evaluated to be able to draw lessons for the following campaigns. Effectiveness comes quickly (eg, enterprises hire banner ads on a reputable website. So many visitors will find out information on enterprises’ website.); and Broad range of marketing is not limited, information flow is rich, diverse in form. Customers can find the information they want anytime and anywhere, just the internet. Moreover, the research results showed that there were 300 customers who interviewed and answered about 15 questions. The Data collected from 05/07/2016 to 15/07/2017 in Dong Nai province. The researcher had analyzed Cronbach’s alpha, KMO test, the result of KMO analysis used for multiple regression analysis. The research results were processed from SPSS 20.0 software. Finally, the researchers have recommendations supporting the sustainable development of online marketing development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Dong Nai province.

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20. Tên bài báo: Exploratory factor analysis for the SMEs' exporting activities in southern area of Vietnam

- Tác giả: Phan Thành Tâm và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: Journal of Business Management and Economics 05: 12 Dec. (2017); ISSN: 2347-5471

- ABSTRACT: Vietnam has been joined into Word Trade Organization since 2007 and therefore the country needs to take into account a lot of international trading framework but it also brings higher opportunities to explore other markets. Since Vietnamese Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) are leading industry in term of exports, SMEs have to focus on strengthening their knowledge in term of trading performances. However, there are not so many studies that have been conducted to investigate how export activity responding to its antecedents in Vietnam. This study showed that there were 200 managers of SMEs related to Southern Area of Vietnam who interviewed and answered about 21 questions but 188 managers of SMEs processed. Data collected from 8/2016 to 11/2017 for the managers of SMEs of Southern Area of Vietnam. The paper had been analyzed KMO test, Cronbach's Alpha and the result of KMO analysis which used for multiple regression analysis. Managers of SMEs’ responses measured through an adapted questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale (Conventions: 1: Completely disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Normal; 4: Agree; 5: completely agree). Hard copy and online questionnaire distributed among 10.000 the SMEs of Southern Area
of Vietnam. In addition, the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) results showed that there were five factors affecting the SMEs’ exporting activities of Southern Area of Vietnam with significance level 5 percent. The research results processed from SPSS 20.0 software.

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

21. Tên bài báo: Motivational factors affecting the staffs' job satisfaction of the public organizations in Dong Nai province

- Tác giả: Phan Thành Tâm và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: European Journal of Business and Innovation Research Vol.5, No.6, pp.13-25, Dec.2017; ISSN: 2053-4027

- ABSTRACT: Nowadays, staffs’ job satisfaction is a key element of general satisfaction which gives employees energy to perform and continue his job adequately. Job satisfaction regulates the peace of mind, foster relaxation that leads to more enthusiasm and more innovative work. It gives the clear picture of completeness and accomplishment emanating from his work, a feeling which has nothing to do with money but a feeling of relief that the employee gets out of the work itself. The study results showed that there were 200 staffs related to the public organizations in Dong Nai province who interviewed and answered about 21 questions but 159 staffs processed. Data collected from July 2016 to November 2017 for the staffs of the public organizations in Dong Nai province. The paper had been analyzed KMO test, Cronbach's Alpha and the result of KMO analysis which used for multiple regression analysis. Staffs’ responses of the public organizations measured through an adapted questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale (Conventions: 1: Completely disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Normal; 4: Agree; 5: completely agree). Hard copy and online questionnaire distributed among 1.000 the staffs of the public organizations in Dong Nai province. In addition, the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) results showed that there were five factors affecting the staffs’ job satisfaction of the public organizations in Dong Nai province with significance level 5 percent. The research results processed from SPSS 20.0 software.

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

22. Tên bài báo: The revolution of agriculture and sustainable agriculture development in Vietnam

- Tác giả: Lưu Tiến Dũng và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: Internation conference proceedings: Emerging issues in economics and business in the context of international integration; ISBN: 978-604-946-330-3; tr.317

- ABSTRACT: Over the past three decades of renovation, Vietnam has become self-sufficient in food with an annual export of 30 billion USD, providing livelihoods for 10 million rural households and contributing nearly 22 percent of the gross domestic product and 23-35 percent of exports. However, the growth model was mainly extensive manner, natural resources infensive-driven. Growth of this sector tends to grow slowly due to sponfaneous and small-scale production, limited technological application in agro-forestry-fisheries, the stagnation of expansion of arable lands, scarcity of water resources, advancing environmental deeradation, negative impacts 0f climate change, competition between food crops and bio-energy crops in the use of limited natural resources, rapid urbanization and a dechning agricultural labor force. In order to achieve improved and sustainable agricultural production and productivity growth largely depends on the aqdvancement of agricultural research and is effective applications at farmer's fields through the transffer of technology and innovation. In this context, agriculture 4.0 and hi-tech agriculture will play the new strategic role for agriculture growth; maintain the quality of the environmenf and other sustainable aspects. This study analyzes the current applications of agriculture 40 and hi-tech for sustainable agriculture development in Vietnam, review of factor influencing the adoption of agriculture innovations of the farm operation in Vietnam and set ofpolicy mplicalions.

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

23. Tên bài báo: Multimodal Personal Verification Using Likelihood Ratio for the Match Score Fusion

- Tác giả: Trần Bình Long và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience; vol. 2017, Article ID 9345969, 9 pages, Ot. 2017; ISSN: 1687-5265

- ABSTRACT: In this paper, the authors present a novel personal verification system based on the likelihood ratio test for fusion of match scores from multiple biometric matchers (face, fingerprint, hand shape, and palm print). In the proposed system, multimodal features are extracted by Zernike Moment (ZM). After matching, the match scores from multiple biometric matchers are fused based on the likelihood ratio test. A finite Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is used for estimating the genuine and impostor densities of match scores for personal verification. Our approach is also compared to some different famous approaches such as the support vector machine and the sum rule with min-max. The experimental results have confirmed that the proposed system can achieve
excellent identification performance for its higher level in accuracy than different famous approaches and thus can be utilized for more application related to person verification.

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

24. Tên bài báo: A Novel Algorithm for Optimal Operation of Hydrothermal Power Systems under Considering the Constraints in Transmission Networks

- Tác giả: Nguyễn Vũ Quỳnh và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: Energies 2018, 11(1), 188; doi: 10.3390/en11010188; Published: 12 January 2018; Monthly ISSN: 1996-1073

- ABSTRACT: This paper proposes an effective novel cuckoo search algorithm (ENCSA) in order to enhance the operation capacity of hydrothermal power systems, considering the constraints in the transmission network, and especially to overcome optimal power flow (OPF) problems. This proposed algorithm is developed on the basis of the conventional cuckoo search algorithm (CSA) by two modified techniques: the first is the self-adaptive technique for generating the second new solutions via discovery of alien eggs, and the second is the high-quality solutions based on a selection technique to keep the best solutions among all new and old solutions. These techniques are able to expand the search zone to overcome the local optimum trap and are able to improve the optimal solution quality and convergence speed as well. Therefore, the proposed method has significant impacts on the searching performances. The efficacy of the proposed method is investigated and verified using IEEE 30 and 118 buses systems via numerical simulation. The obtained results are compared with the conventional cuckoo search algorithm (CCSA) and the modified cuckoo search algorithm (MCSA). As a result, the proposed method can overcome the OPF of hydrothermal power systems better than the conventional ones in terms of the optimal solution quality, convergence speed, and high success rate.

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

25. Tên bài báo: Hierarchically assembled 3D nanoflowers and 0D nanoparticles of nickel sulfides on reduced graphene oxide with excellent lithium storage performances

- Tác giả: Nguyễn Trọng Anh và Cộng sự.

- Tên tạp chí: Applied surface science ( ISSN: 0169-4332); Volume 439, 1 May 2018, Pages 386–393;

- ABSTRACT: Constructing heterostructure can endow composites with many novel physical and electrochemical properties due to the built-in specific charge transfer dynamics. However, controllable fabrication route to heterostructures is still a great challenge up to now. In this work, a SiO2-assisted hydrothermal method is developed to fabricate heterostructured nickel sulfides/reduced graphene oxide (NiSx/rGO) composite. The SiO; particles hydrolyzed from tetraethyl orthosilicate could assist the surface controllable co- growth of 3D nanoflowers and 0D nanoparticles of Ni3S2/NiS decorated on reduced graphene oxide, and the possible co-growth mechanism ¡is điscussed in detail. In this composite, the heterostructured nanocomposite with different morphologies, chemical compositions and crystal structures, along with varied electronic states and band structure, can promote the interface charge transfer kinetics and lead to excellent lithium storage performances. Electrochemical measurements reveal that the NiSx/rGO com- posite presents 1187.0 mA h g1 at 100 mA g-1 and achieves a highly stable capacity of 561.2 mA h g-1 even when the current density is up to 5 Ag-1,

>>>Toàn văn bài báo: Tải về.

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