Science curiculum vitae personally

Faculty of Mechatronics and Electronics  »  Science curiculum vitae personally

MSc. Tran Trung Huong


Education – degree, discipline, institution, year

  • Masters of Engineering Degree, Electricity & Electronics Engineering, University of Technical Education HCM city, Vietnam, 2014.
  • Bachelor of Engineering Degree, Electricity & Electronics Engineering, Lac Hong University, Vietnam, 2008.

Academic experience – institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate), when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time

  • Lecturer, Faculty of Mechatronics and Electronics, Lac Hong University, 2017–Present, full time.
  • Lecturer, Faculty of Mechatronics and Electronics, Lilama 2 International Technology College, 2016 – 2017, full time.

Non-academic experience – company or entity, title, brief description of position, when (ex. 1993-1999), full time or part time

  • Production Manager, Aureole Fine Chemical Products Inc, 2011 – 2016, full time.
  • Production Manager, Nature Foods Co,..Ltd, 2009 – 2011, full time.

Certifications or professional registrations

  • Forklift driving certificate issued by Vocational College No. 8 BH-DN in 2013, graded good.
  • 5S certification granted by the AFCP company council in 2012, graded good.
  • Chemical Safety Certificate was issued by the Department of Labor BH - ĐN, War Invalids and Social Affairs in 2014.
  • Food safety and hygiene certificate was issued by the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs in 2015, graded Good.
  • Boiler operation certificate issued by Vocational College No. 8 BH-DN in 2015, grated excellent.

Current membership in professional organizations

  • Faculty of Mechatronics and Electronics, Lac Hong University.

Honors and awards

  • Achieve ultimate consolation prize in 2018 duet LHU.

Service activities (within and outside of the institution)

  • Join union activities at Lac Hong University from 2017 – 2019.
  • Perform Work Student Management at the Faculty Mechatronics and Electronics, Lac Hong University from 2013 – 2019.

Briefly list the most important publications and presentations from the past five years – title, co-authors if any, where published and/or presented, date of publication or presentation

  • Research and design 3D printers.

Briefly list the most recent professional development activities

Involve in the compilation of the Lessons of Image Processing Application in Industry; Industrial Electrical equipment; Electric Machinery; and English for Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Participate in BUIDIT's and LHU’s courses and seminars on program level accreditation including:

  • Advanced classroom Assessment and Evaluation of student Learning
  • Project based learning-part 2
  • Creating  and maintaining a culture of quality improvement
  • Preparing for a Mock ABET visit: preparation, process, and value
  • In recognition of successful completion of the 3-week intensive Master Teacher Training Program as instructed by multidisciplinary faculty from partnering universities in the BUILD-IT Alliance
  • Data aggregation, display and evaluation workshop
  • Driving Towards Accreditation: Lessons Learned for Successful Engagement of Lectures, Staff and Administrations
  • Industry Advisory Board Development Relationships to Support Program and College Needs Workshop
  • Classroom Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning for Faculty
  • Implementing the training program level evaluation
  • Teaching Method meets student outcome
  • Joint Learning & Technology in education



  • Address: 10 Huynh Van Nghe street, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
  • Tel: 0251 3952 778
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