Scientific background

Faculty of Finance and Accounting  »  Scientific background

Truong Kim Phung



Full name: Truong Kim Phung 

Sex: Female

Date of birth: 27th Aug, 1988

Place/Country of birth: Dong Nai Province, Vietnam

Employment History:

2010 - present: Lecturer, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, Lac Hong University, Vietnam


2006 - 2010: Bachelor of Banking and Finance

2011 - 2013: Master in Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management

2014 - 2019: Ph.D in Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management

Other Training/ Certifications:

  • Certificate of University Teaching Methodology (2010)

Subjects taught:

  • Investment Projects Planning and Appraisal

Research Interests:

  • Econometrics application in economics
  • Finance and banking
  • Quality management
  • Finance management
  • Industrial management

Journal (SCI/EI index):

[1] The Fuzzy u-Chart for Sustainable Manufacturing in the Vietnam Textile Dyeing Industry. Symmetry (20738994) . Jul2017, Vol. 9 Issue 7, p116. 17p;doi:10.3390. Online at:

[2] Optimization on effects of design parameter on displacement amplification ratio of 2 DOF working platform employing Bridge-type compliant mechanism flexure hinge using Taguchi method. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1303, The Second International Conference on Mechanical, Electric and Industrial Engineering 25–27 May 2019, Hangzhou, China; doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1303/1/012053. Online at:

[3] Optimization effects of design parameter on the first frequency modal of a Bridge-type compliant mechanism flexure hinge by using the Taguchi method. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1303, The Second International Conference on Mechanical, Electric and Industrial Engineering 25–27 May 2019, Hangzhou, China; doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1303/1/012063. Online at:

International Journal:

[1] SEM model for firm performance of Vietnam banks base on balanced scorecard. Global journal of advanced engineering technologies and sciences. Volume 4 Issue 4 - April- 2017, page 38-48. ISSN 2349-0292. Online at:

[2] Case in Vietnam: What factors have a strong effect on gold price in 5 years period? Global journal of advanced engineering technologies and sciences. volume 4 issue 4 - april- 2017, page 28-37. ISSN 2349-0292. Online at:

[3] Key Influence Factors of the Gold Price in Vietnam over 2011-2015. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research. Volume 8, Issue4, April 2017 Edition, page 1. ISSN 2229-5518. Online at:

[4] Evaluating and selecting the Fundemental Criteria to Construct the Exported Rice Transport System of South Vietnam in 2020 – 2030. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management Vol. 7, No. 5, May 2017, pp. 19-30. ISSN 2249-7307. DOI: 10.5958/2249-7307.2017.00036.6.  Online at:

International Conference:

Evaluating Firm Performance of Vietnamese Banks with the Balanced Scorecard. Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Technology Innovation and Industrial Management 28th-30th May 2014, Seoul, South Korea.

Briefly list the most recent professional development activities:

  • Conducting research
  • Enrollment in formal degree programs, courses, or workshops
  • Pursuing certificates, accreditations or other credentials through educational programs
  • Attending local, regional, national, and international meetings, conferences and workshops sponsored by professional organizations
  • Keeping up with technology, systems, processes
  • Learning about new developments in my field
  • Keeping up with technology, systems, processes
  • Learning about new developments in your field
  • Improving existing skills

  • Address: 10 Huynh Van Nghe street, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
  • Tel: 0251 3952 778
  • Email:
  • © 2023 Lac Hong University
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